A Successful NAGLREP Fundraiser for the Matthew Shepard Foundation


Our NAGLREP Spring Break April 14 Virtual Fundraiser to benefit the Matthew Shepard Foundation raised approximately $10,000, donated direct to the Matthew Shepard Foundation to fund the organization’s LGBT initiatives.

Judy and Dennis Shepard joined NAGLREP’s Jeff Berger, Khoi Le, Jamie Zapata and Kristi Ambrosetti for the fundraiser, which was held as part of NAGLREP’s annual “Spring Break” event.

“We usually host our LGBT Housing Policy Summit at HRC this time of year,” said NAGLREP Founder Jeff Berger. “But since are still in the midst of the pandemic and live events are not available at the moment, we felt this was the right pivot for NAGLREP’s mission.”

Since Matthew Shepard was taken from us, Judy and Dennis Shepard have worked tirelessly to promote human dignity and to strengthen the societal foundations of diversity and inclusion. NAGLREP raised more than $30,000 for the Matthew Shepard Foundation in 2020, up from $25,000 in 2019. You can begin supporting the important social and educational outreach of the foundation today by making your donation at this site: https://matthewshepard.z2systems.com/np/clients/matthewshepard/donation.jsp

In addition to NAGLREP’s $5,000 donation, approximately an additional $5,000 was donated by members and other attendees of the event.


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