A Proud Parenting Moment
I was recently on vacation in San Francisco and had one of those really proud parenting moments. It was a moment I shared with a group of NAGLREP members on a conference call.
We are out in SF for vacation and went to see my cousins who live right by Castro.
We explained to our boys that there are so many rainbow flags because this was one of the first gay neighborhoods in the country.
My oldest, who is 15, asked why gay people needed to live in their own area?
Both boys didn’t care at all as they passed men and women holding hands, men at the park playing with their kids, and men smiling brightly as I bought lemonade from their kids.
These were really cool moments because it showed how far we’ve come as a society and how little our kids care about the older generation’s stereotypes.
Our boys have learned that people are people. They have friends with two moms, friends who identify as the opposite sex. To them, this is routine. They were completely shocked that years ago, “normal” meant having to live in essentially isolated communities.
As the NAGLREP 2016 convention nears closer, I hope we all to take a moment to realize how things are changing and how powerful the group has been in helping our world improve for the better. I am eagerly looking forward to another trip to Ft. Lauderdale. I’ll again represent Coldwell Banker and look forward to speaking about our Smart Home efforts.
See you in October!
David Siroty
Vice President, North American Communications
Coldwell Banker Real Estate
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